Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8 Summary || Chapterwise Summary of Bhagavad Gita in English || Aksara Parabrahman Yoga

Chapter 8, known as Aksara Parabrahman Yoga, Krishna delves into the imperishable nature of the absolute reality, often referred to as Brahman, and expounds on the soul's journey after death.

Read Chapter 7

Summary of Chapter 8: Aksara Parabrahman Yoga

Imperishable Nature of Brahman:

Krishna introduces the concept of the eternal and indestructible nature of the ultimate reality, Brahman. He illuminates that Brahman exists beyond the transient and ever-changing aspects of the material world. This divine entity remains unaffected by the cycle of creation and destruction, representing the eternal and unchanging truth underlying all existence.

Journey of the Soul:

Krishna elucidates the soul's journey post-mortem, describing the transitional phase after death and the soul's trajectory based on its state of consciousness. He illustrates that the departing soul's next destination is influenced by its thoughts, actions, and consciousness at the time of death. The soul progresses towards realms aligned with its spiritual evolution and karmic imprints from previous actions.

Importance of Devotion:

Krishna emphasizes the significance of devoutly meditating and remembering the divine at the moment of departing the mortal frame. He highlights that dedicating one's thoughts to the divine in the final moments facilitates a smoother transition for the departing soul. The state of consciousness during the final moments determines the soul's trajectory towards realms of light or darkness, impacting its subsequent journey.

Union with the Divine:

Krishna elucidates that those who attain union with the divine during their mortal existence achieve liberation (moksha) from the cycle of birth and death. Such enlightened souls transcend the transient material world and merge into the eternal reality of Brahman. This state of ultimate union signifies the soul's liberation from the cycle of rebirth and attaining eternal bliss in the divine presence.


Chapter 8 delves into the profound nature of the eternal reality (Brahman) and the soul's journey beyond the mortal realm. Krishna's teachings emphasize the significance of spiritual evolution, devotion, and the soul's conscious state, shedding light on the mystical aspects of existence and the transformative power of devotion and spiritual awareness.


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